Hokkaido Green in Finnish
My story Hokkaido Green has just appeared in Spin, the Finnish science fiction magazine. Closed due to bear sightings = Suljettu karhuhavaintojen vuoksi
My story Hokkaido Green has just appeared in Spin, the Finnish science fiction magazine. Closed due to bear sightings = Suljettu karhuhavaintojen vuoksi
After Agra, we went to Karauli, a small town in Rajasthan. We stayed at a heritage palace built for the maharaja’s family in the mid 1930s. It is still owned by the former maharajas and they have opened it to …
I flew into Delhi and joined up with a small group tour. We visited the Red Fort and had a tour inside one of the Sikh temples, including a look inside the temple kitchens. Elsewhere, we encountered some tasty Indian …