Choosing What Not to Read
Two of the most common pieces of advice you’ll hear about writing are: * Write more * Read more I’ve also read many interviews where writers say they no longer have time to keep up with other novels published in …
Two of the most common pieces of advice you’ll hear about writing are: * Write more * Read more I’ve also read many interviews where writers say they no longer have time to keep up with other novels published in …
I recently finished reading Donald Maass’ Writing the Breakout Novel. Maass is an author and literary agent and the book has lots of practical and useful advice on how to make your book more readable. The book concentrates on the key …
Just reminding people that my short story Reading By Numbers is eligible to be nominated for a Hugo. 🙂 Sean Wallace, the co-editor of Fantasy includes the story in his nominations. My story didn’t make the Nebula shortlist, but SF …