The Writer’s Book of Doubt

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Impostor syndrome. Thinking that your writing sucks. Feeling targeted by the rejection cannon. Despairing that no one is ever going to read your stories. Lost in Submissionland. Overwhelmed by radioactive brain weasels.

The Writer’s Book of Doubt contains practical advice and inspiration for dealing with the problems of the writing life.

Illustrated by Kathleen Jennings.
With essays from: Aliette de Bodard, Delilah S. Dawson, Kate Dylan, Malon Edwards, Meg Elison, Kate Elliott, Lauren Herschel, S.L. Huang, Crystal Huff, Kameron Hurley, Matthew Kressel, R.F. Kuang, Fonda Lee, R. Lemberg, Likhain, Jeannette Ng, A. Merc Rustad, Mary Swangin, Bogi Takács, E. Catherine Tobler, Martha Wells and Isabel Yap.

Additional illustrations and photos from Tom Gauld and Geert Weggen.

A list of resources on topics covered by the book.

Read some essays from the book:

I Was Going to Write an Essay on Procrastination

If Only I Could Find the Perfect To-Do List App, I Could Conquer the Galaxy

Networking for Misanthropes

When Things Go Wrong

The Optimist’s Guide to the End of the World

The Stress of Success

Saying No

Asking for Help

The Awesomeness Dossier

The Map of Submissionland


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