100 Photos
After visiting 100 countries, I collated a selection of 100 of my favorite travel photos. http://aidandoyle.net/misc/100photos/100photos.html
After visiting 100 countries, I collated a selection of 100 of my favorite travel photos. http://aidandoyle.net/misc/100photos/100photos.html
My third story featuring the adventures of Akamiko Iro (swordwriter extraordinaire) is now up at Heroic Fantasy Quarterly. http://www.heroicfantasyquarterly.com/?p=2145 Accompanied by some suitably icy artwork by Skye Hembre A friend summed the story up: Morally ambiguous ladies with vengeance on …
My story The Last Khan’s Elephant (originally published in Ember) is now up at Audible.com. Narrated by Kevin Stillwell. http://www.audible.com/pd/Fiction/The-Last-Khans-Elephant-Audiobook/B01NAPHTCK?source_code=AUDORWS0104179JDZ