Stone Flowers Reviews

Some feedback on Stone Flowers, my short story that was published in Fantasy last month.

Lois Tilton in Locus:

A poignant short tale about the loneliness of immortality. The author speaks of the significant of the gods’ flesh becoming solid and visible again, but I must admit it evades me. Are they becoming corporeal and mortal? Or withering away like the cherry blossoms?
A Japanese reader commented on the story:
Aidan Doyle “Stone Flowers”  – 掌編。日本が舞台なんで思わず読んでしまった(作者は日本に4年住んでいたオーストラリア人)。かつて神として祀られ、今では忘れられた男の話。雰囲気はすごくいいのだが、雰囲気だけかも。

He liked the story’s setting.

And LiveJournal user Anachred had these really nice things to say:

Here are some stories that are just gorgeous, and made me love webzines that can publish stories of the kind I like. Fantasy Magazine, for example…

Stone Flowers by Aidan Doyle which is sad and luminescent and…well, smells right. The description put me square in a place I know, but told me a story I didn’t.