Worlds Next Door
My contributors’ copy of Worlds Next Door arrived recently. It’s always a thrill to have a book with your name in it arrive in the mail. My story Inksucker is one of the 25 stories for kids contained within. I read the book and there are a lot of fun stories in there, along with some cool illustrations.
Another cool thing is that I’m sharing the table of contents with some very talented Australian writers, including a couple of my fellow Clarionites, Angie Rega and Angela Slatter plus others such as RJ Astruc.
Some stories take a long time between when I get the initial idea to finished result, but the ideas for Inksucker worked out quite quickly for me. I still had to struggle to meet the deadline for contributions to the anthology. The majority of the story was written on a 51-hour ferry ride from Osaka to Shanghai.
I saw when you got in, but Congrats again!
Thanks Andy. 🙂